Saturday, October 9, 2004

My First Blog

hello! this is my first blog entry and i am hoping to get a response from all of you who read this post. i plan to have links to interesting blogs on entertainment, literature, karnatic classical music and any other theme that catches my fancy. am also hoping to have some interesting dicussions on parenting, working mothers, families and other such things that matter the most in this world. all this will happen as soon as i figure out how to use blogrolls and publish postings and accept responses and... wish me luck!


  1. way to go sandie girl! this is your sunny park supporter!

  2. You certainly seem to be having fun. All the best.

  3. Hey you kind of read my mind there,

    Was seriously considering looking into this blogging business and there comes your mail.
    Very interesting. sounds like fun..
    Good luck to you!!! and looking forward to more blogging!!!

  4. wow! this is interesting! of course you can carry on.Am sure we will meet here more often !
